Independent Bookshop Day
I'm thrilled to be a part of Indies Day being held in conjunction with The Big Comfy Bookshop and The Astral Gypsy in Fargo Village in Coventry all day on the 29th of November - and am considerably humbled to be in such esteemed company for the event! Please come along where I'll be helping out for the day. I'll be signing and selling copies of Forever and Ever, Armageddon as well as signing anything* of mine you care to bring along!
And if you're not a fan of books, why not come along for some delicious tea, coffee and/or cake? The valuable sit down will give you more than adequate time to drastically re-evaluate your life so you actually like books. Seriously though, come along and support this worthwhile endeavour. I'd love to see you there.
* - Within reason. For reasons both legal and obvious, I will be not be signing anything you've stolen from my house, especially any old cheque books you happen to have come across. Or any unknown illegitimate children of mine you find lying about. That'd just be weird.
A new compilation is now available
Just in time for any easily pleased relatives at Christmas comes the new edition of "Forever and Ever, Armageddon".
I was never happy with how the original printed version of "The Shadow Cast by the world" looked. Despite containing a healthy number of stories – and stories I'm still really happy with - it always resembled little more than a fancy glossy pamphlet. "Forever and Ever, Armageddon", on the other hand, I was chuffed to bits with. Thick enough to have a spine like a proper book and sufficiently weighty, and more – well, bookish.
So much as how George Lucas couldn't avoid fiddling with his Star Wars films, this seemed like a prime opportunity to bundle the complete collection of short stories so far in one volume –The Super Alpha Turbo Extreme edition.
The first half up until and including "Tiredness kills" are from "The Shadow Cast by the World" and every story up until "The Everywhere Song" is from "Forever and Ever, Armageddon". "ThriceSlain" and "VIP" are two brand new stories especially written for this compilation.. and if you haven't took the plunge yet, it's considerably cheaper than buying both of them separately - and that goes for both printed and Kindle formats.